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Throne & Liberty

We are currently monitoring the progress of Throne & Liberty

Massive Large Scale Game

Throne & Liberty will be a seamless open world pvp game by Korean NCSoft. set to launch 2023. 
The game will be based around weapons as your “class system” So far it looks like they have adopted the New world approach where you can have 2 weapons active a a certain time and use abilities on a limited base from what weapon you choose.
The game will have Large scale PvP which is yet to be revealed in full. What we do know is it will have impact on your guilds access to abilities and resources. so controlling these Guild points/Castles will be key.

Throne & Liberty will not be full-out-pvp, most of the game will have the option to safely farm as a PvE player with Events turning safe-zones into PVP areas doing that event. Hopefully we will see 100% PvP zones with matching rewards

Dungeons have been shown to be Open world where everyone can enter the same dungeon at the same time and farm different “levels” of it.

Nixx will be active in all of the area’s of the game PvP & PvE. as we want to imprint our mark on the game and have some good times. 


NIXX is a try-hard PVP guild that will strive to control as much of the game as possible. 

We seek players who are PvP by heart but also know the necessary demands of farming to become the best in PvP
We wanna have fun, but we always want to win. Often those things goes hand-in-hand. 

We already have a great core of hardcore players who previously have proven themself.  But we are always seeking new blood

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