Ashes of creation
We expect to have a guild with about 100 members ready for conquour all content in Ashes of creation.
Ashes of creation is the most anticipated mmorpg coming this Century
- Nixx will be among the leading guilds heading into the release of the game.
- We will have a large focus on PVP and will aim to hold 1 of the 15 Guild castles for as long as possible.
- We love Sea-combat, if you are joining us for Ashes you will see alot of this!
- We have tons of sweaty try hard people, and will aim be do as many server first achivements as possible, be it PvE or PvP.
- We expect our PvP members to actively engage in PvP rankings and show our name among the finest!

The world of Verra – One of the largest maps we have seen
- Ashes of creation will provide one of the biggest worlds we have seen in mmorpg where the sense of distance gonna be a real part of the game as there will be no fast travels for everyone.
- The map have tons of ground area to build/farm/explore but also a vast SEA gameplay which will contain heavy amount of free open pvp, alot of risk / rewards will be made on the sea.
- The world will have a total of 85 diffrent nodes with a total of 15 castle nodes.
- Nixx plan to have a castle that is involved in the main server conflicts and located in a place of importance.
- For obvious reasons it’s hard to plan ahead as we are yet to see the Alpha-2 plans. at the current time.

Ashes of creation is gonna have a alot of Player vs Player content
- In Nixx we love pvp content. and ashes of creation is gonna offer alot of it, we hope to dominate in all aspect of the game, both individually and as a guild.
- We value players who are aiming to push high in rankings in individual 1v1, 3v3, 5,5 and battleground pvp on top of being good at large scale siege pvp / open world pvp
- Ashes of creation will provide the option for any player to attack another, this is not something we fear, and if attacked by a Nixx member we encourge our members to actively engage in PvP. Griefing is part of the games and should be delt with agains the agreesor!
- If you find a Nixx member attacking you, Defend yourself! and enjoy the PvP!
Ashes of Creation 2 – Alpha 2 Ranger update
The new Ranger update have us all really excited, the gameplay of ranged combat with both Short and Long-bows looks insanely good.
This is also one of the first times we get to see unique abillties used with a class.
The ashes team have really put in some heavy work since alpha 1 to bring the combat to life, in a much needed update. on the left hand side is the Official ashes video about the ranger update.
Ashes of creation alpha-2 combat update
We are all looking excitedly at the current combat reswamp of the game. its something the game needed, and hopefully more of it will come to life over the next couple of months.
The single most important thing of a mmorpg is how the combat feels since that what you deal with every hour of the day. if it dosnt feel fun to engage in combat or farm with your character, you wil quit the game.
The vision for the game is there. now its time to execute. we are all watching you Interpid studios!

Ashes of creation Gathering update.
This is a big update, like we have been suggesting Ashes of creation will adopt New worlds system of almost making every single item in the world become a resource, it was a success in New world so its safe to asume that it will be a good pickup for any mmorpg in the future.
If you see a tree, you can harvest it. If you see a rock you can mine it. thats the approach, and Interpid have added their own unique graphics to this concept with unique tree falling physics
Gameplay update
In the November update, Ashes of creation have showcased the healer (cleric) architype with diffrent healer spells running around in a 3 man party, we get to see alot of the world and we get to see the new Day/night shift.