Lost Ark - Guild
Initially we did not create a guild for lost ark. We were late to the party despite that and being extremely under leveled as a guild we managed.

Lost Ark Roster Achievments
- Only Guild on Kadan that owned every single PvP Island & Owned Both S-tier island simultaneously
- Top Arena Ranks across the board multiple Grandmasters & Master players.
- We won multiple S-tier islands & A-tier islands (Alt Guild).
- We have always had multiple rosters competing on all the PvP islands with a relatively small roster making sure we show our name on all available content.
- The most fun community on the server ! Creating quality memes and content to keep the game alive : )

GvG Rosters
We try to be as prepared for Guild events as possible. below you can see some of our pictures during tactical meetings to explain what we will do during the matches. so everyone is on even ground and knows what to do. For Lost ark we have been running 3 diffrent island PVP teams which require good planning so everyone is onboard. Most guilds only run 1 PvP island team, while we run 3. to compete on all 3 islands. In general it would be better just to run 1 Super team. but we also believe that more than 16 players on your roster should be allowed to experience the only endgame PvP.
We try to organize as well as possible. many of our officer team have vast experience setting up automated spreadsheets which helps us track progress within the guild.